The drum has a drum skin that is stretched over the shell and then struck or hit to create the sound. Drums are one of the oldest instruments and it has mostly stayed the same design since the creation it. You can play one drum or many drums at a time. Drums are used in many kinds of music styles including pop, marching bands, and orchestras.
Drum Sound
The Piano is played by the musician pressing down on the keys of the piano with their fingers which cause the hammers in the piano to strike the strings which then produce the sound. The piano is used in many kinds of music. It's used in pop, classical, orchestras and more. Besides for the regular piano there are also keyboards and electric keyboards that one can use as well.
Piano Sound
The Tamborine has a frame with pairs of small metal jingles-zills. Although the most common shape of a Tamborine is a circle, they come in other shapes as well. It is played either by hand or it is mounted on a stand. The Tamborine can be played in classical and jazz music.
Tamborine Sound
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